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How Mobile Applications Have Transformed Our Lives

mobile applications

Right now, there are about 5 million apps on the market. No doubt, phone applications have changed every part of our lives. There is an app for everything, whether you need to travel, buy groceries, order food, talk to someone, or do business with your bank.

Technology and mobile apps have changed how people interact with everything around them. No matter what you want or need to do, you can do it all quickly and easily. Also, every day there are new apps that are changing the world significantly. In this article, we’ll talk about how they came to be and how they improve our lives.

How did mobile apps come into existence?

Apple and Google only started their app stores ten years ago. In July 2008, apps became the center of the mobile industry. Apple started by making 552 apps for the iPhone, 135 of which could be downloaded for free. Ten million iPhone users downloaded at least one app in just one week.

Between then and now, more than 50 billion apps have been downloaded from the Google App store. As their popularity grew, we quickly moved the daily tasks we used to do on computers to our smartphones. Here is how they plan to keep making the world a better place.

How do mobile applications impact our way of life?

Now, apps let you check your email on your phone, count calories, help you find a date, change how you shop, and even change how you think. They change quickly and use mobile networks at the cutting edge of technology.

Mobile Applications And Total Productivity

Thanks to apps that let us quickly answer emails, use voice search, make presentations, keep updating to-do lists, sign and transmit documents, and more, staying productive have never been easier. You can stay on top of your productivity game with apps such as Any do, Todoist, Just Press Document, CamScanner, Gmail, Notability, and many more.

Apps and Everyday Communication

With social networking apps like Facebook and Instagram, messaging apps like WhatsApp, and video calling apps like Skype, you can stay in touch with all your contacts while you’re on the go. Statista says that as of December 2017, 1.5 million people were using WhatsApp, one of the best mobile messaging apps.

As of the fourth quarter of 2016, 1.149 billion people only use Messenger on their phones. With just a few taps on your screen, you can send texts, pictures, music, emojis, and other things to your friends and family.

Allows You to Manage Your Fitness Levels

You can do anything with a fitness app, like eat healthier, get in shape, or reach your fitness goals. There are applications like MyFitnessPal because it lets you make a diet plan, tracks how you’re losing weight, and log your daily activities. Some can also act as personal trainers, and others can sync with third-party tools like Fitbit, which measures your heart rate, to keep records of your fitness levels.

How do mobile apps affect different fields?

Mobile apps for business

Many companies make apps to speed up their processes, improve workflow, and boost productivity. A 2015 report from Accenture says that mobile apps serve as a way to collect data and deliver it in a way that makes sense. The report says that the benefits of IoT (Internet of Things) and modern devices like collecting data from sensors, using insights for the company, and applying analytics to data would be lost without apps.

Also, many e-commerce and brick-and-mortar store owners have seen their sales go up after getting mobile apps. Along with this, the rise of mobile apps has also helped the construction industry in many ways. The dealers can give their clients an estimate while they are on-site and close the deal quickly.

The E-commerce Industry and Mobile Apps

With mobile apps came e-commerce stores that made it easy to buy your favorite things. Almost every brand has an app that lets customers look at a product, buy it, track orders, and do lots of other things to make shopping easier.

Whether you want to buy clothes, appliances, books, or even car parts, you can use e-commerce apps to have them sent right to your door. Apps like ShopSavvy also let you compare prices to find the best deals.

The Mobile Applications And Gaming Industry

We’ve always had access to mobile games. But as mobile technology changed over time, app-based games like Candy Crush, Angry Birds, PokemonGo, PUBG, etc., became increasingly popular.

These games keep kids and adults busy all the time, making them into full-time gamers. Also, many game designers attempt to shove the limits further by making games with augmented reality and virtual reality to improve the experience. You can find any game you can think of in your mobile app.

Mobile applications and the banking industry

Juniper Research says that by the end of 2018, there will be 2 billion digital banking users, which is 40% of the world’s adult population. Also, mobile banking users will grow by 14% over the next few years. The way banks handle money transactions has changed because of mobile apps.

You can use an app to access all banking services, whether you want to make a payment, buy something, or open a new account. With it, you won’t have to wait in long lines, and you’ll be able to do your business much more quickly. Also, the banking apps have an easy-to-use interface and have all the features you need for a smooth banking experience.

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